
Konsortium Malaysia established since 1971

Konsortium Malaysia is a civil and structural engineering consultancy firm. It was established in 1971. It is owned and managed by Professional Engineers who are registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia. Konsortium Malaysia employs of qualified civil engineers, supported by trained technical and administrative staff.


Since We Started In

We have been providing comprehensive consultancy and services in preliminary investigations, feasibility studies, economic evaluations, cost estimates, master plan studies,

civil and structural engineering design, tender and contract documentation, tender evaluation, construction supervision and contract administration to over 317 projects.

Konsortium Malaysia

Scope of Services

Konsortium Malaysia provides comprehensive consultancy services in preliminary investigations, feasibility studies, economic evaluations, cost estimates, master plan studies, civil and structural engineering design, tender and contract documentation, tender evaluation, construction supervision and contract administration.


Civil and structural engineering covering water supplies, sewage treatment, roads, drainage, bridges, wharf and jetties, quarry, building structures, industrial estate and industrial buildings.


Detailed site survey and investigation, topographical survey and engineering survey.



Town and regional planning studies, preparation of large scale planning schemes and preparation of planning proposals, civil design and project design.

Project Management

Review of project requirement, preparation of project brief and pre-bid documentation, technical and financial review of contractor’s proposals, project monitoring and contract administration.

Konsortium Malaysia


"The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them."

Our Professional & Dedicated

Team Member

Konsortium Malaysia


Konsortium Malaysia is registered with the Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor & Juruperunding (UPKJ) and Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia (Ministry of Finance) as Consulting Engineers. The firm is also a panel member of the Association of Consulting Engineers, Malaysia. The firm obtained the ISO 9001 certification in Quality Management System Standards in the year 2008 for provision of consultancy services in civil and structural engineering consultancy services.

Business Names Ordinance Certificate of Registration
Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia Registration Certificate
Unit Penaftaran Kontraktor dan Juruperunding (UPKJ)
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate
Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia





if you have any inquiry please

Contact Us

25, Kenyalang Park Shopping Centre, P.O. Box 952, 93720, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Tel: 082-333622 . Fax: 082-483886 . Co. No.: 4610

Email: corporate@konsortiummalaysia.com